

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Return Policy

Once products are delivered to you and accepted as accurate and as per the original order, no return, refund or exchange is possible.

If you wish to return any items that are damaged or not as per your original order, please return the product/s in its original packing along with a remark within 7 days of delivery. In case reverse shipment cannot be arranged by us due to unavailability of our logistics partners, then you may be requested to ship such products through any available courier service.

All damaged items or items not as per your order that are to be returned must be accompanied by a copy of the original receipt/invoice, a return/exchange authorization number and be unopened, in saleable condition, otherwise the same will not be taken back. Please note that we cannot offer exchanges or refunds on opened or used products.

Your request will be processed within one to three weeks from the day you return the damaged package or an item that is not as per your original order. You will be contacted once your return is complete.

Replacement Clause

If we have delivered the wrong product, then it will be the responsibility of the customer to inform us within 2 business days, either by sending us an e-mail or by contacting our customer care cell/service department (the details of which are provided in the “Contact Us” section of the website). Please return the product/s in its original packing along with a remark within 7 days of delivery. Please note that the courier expense will be borne by us and after confirmation the original product will be dispatched within 4-5 business days.

Changes and Cancellation

Any item additions, quantity changes or specification changes made to accepted orders will be modified in the order details. All sales are final, however, item cancellations and quantity changes may be made before the order is shipped. We may, without any liability, cancel any accepted order before shipment if our credit department does not approve your credit/payment or if there are other problems with the payment mode selected by you.

Cancellation of Order

We reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order placed for a product that is listed at an incorrect price or for any other reason. This shall be regardless of whether the order has been confirmed and/or payment been received. 100% payment shall be refunded and you will be informed accordingly. The refund can take around 7 business days depending on the individual bank policies.

Duplicate Clause

If by mistake you have placed an order for a particular product twice and you would like to have a refund for one such transaction, then you must inform us regarding the same within 2 business days either by sending us an e-mail or by contacting our customer care cell/service department (the details of which are provided in the “Contact Us” section of the website). Please note that the courier expense will be borne by you. The amount will be refunded in 7 business days depending on individual bank policies.

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